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Public Relations

Dr. Sarah Robbins

in collaboration with
Dr. Sarah Robbins
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Establish Dr. Sarah Robbins as a leading gastroenterologist by generating top-tier media coverage.


Our Approach

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We strategically positioned Dr. Robbins in front of targeted reporters, fostering consistent trust and reliability. As a result, reporters now regularly turn to PONY Comms to engage with Dr. Robbins on various article topics.



Total impressions
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The Well Sunday website is up to nearly 25K views and 1000 subscribers! It was an incredible first week!

Dr. Sarah Robbins, MD, MSc, FRCPC

Thanks to the PR coverage you’ve been able to generate, we’ve gotten two partnership leads in six weeks! One was with the Dean of Medicine at the top ranked school in Canada, who reached out to have me speak to his students. The other was the CEO of a testing company, who reached out to partner with us after reading the article about me in The Vancouver Sun.

Dr. Sarah Robbins, MD, MSc, FRCPC
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