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Foundation for Climate Restoration

in collaboration with
Foundation for Climate Restoration
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Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR) - the nonprofit leading the climate restoration movement. They’ve worked with the United Nations Office for Partnerships, Earth Day Network, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Future Coalition and Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese. F4CR is on the cutting edge of the climate conversation. Their work is pushing boundaries and influencing politicians and global movements to adopt the mindset that we can restore the climate. F4CR has researched, supported, and championed solutions and technologies available today, that once at scale (with funding and legislation), will remove the trillion tons of excess CO2 from the atmosphere and preserve the Arctic ice.


Our Approach

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F4CR has partnered with PONY Communications to build the movement and help establish climate restoration as the critical third pillar, alongside mitigation and adaptation, in the global climate conversation.



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