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Public Relations

HeroX & NASA's Lunar Loo Challenge

in collaboration with
HeroX & NASA's Lunar Loo Challenge
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To promote media engagement and problem-solver participation in NASA’s Lunar Loo crowdsourcing campaign.

To promote media engagement and problem-solver participation in NASA’s Lunar Loo crowdsourcing campaign.


Our Approach

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PONY Comms centered the campaign around an always-interesting topic: poop – and how astronauts were going to manage bathroom breaks on the moon. 

We helped come up with the alliterative name, Lunar Loo and we even proposed a Lunar Loo Jr. campaign for kids.  

The Lunar Loo Challenge quadrupled the coverage and the participants of the wildly popular Space Poop campaign. At one point, NASA’s director of Communications called us to say that she was getting too many media requests. 



Total impressions
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Alexandra and her team are responsive, adaptive, and above all, committed. They work tirelessly to streamline our messaging and get our goals highlighted in mainstream media. I’ve never seen an agency work like they do. The results speak for themselves.

Gina Sparrow
Strategic Project Manager, HeroX ‍

You should know that the article got very good engagement and lots of clicks to our shortened URL, which is much more engagement than the articles (which are often only read in print syndication) usually get.

Erin Blakmore
Reporter, The Washington Post

The Queen of PR!

Kal Sahota
President and CEO, HeroX
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